The basics of ArcPy#

ArcPy is a Python site package that provides a useful and productive way to perform:

  • geographic data analysis,

  • data conversion,

  • data management,and

  • map automation.

In ArcGIS Pro, most geoprocessing functions can be accessed through ArcPy.

Similar to ModelBuilder which offers a visually straightforward way to automate complex process, we can connect multiple ArcPy functions and customize the workflow as an alternative way to automate geoprocessing.

1. ArcPy Workspace#

Similar to the random or sys module that we have used before, arcpy package has to be imported, i.e., import arcpy, before we can access its functions and methods.

import arcpy

1.1 What is a workspace#

In ArcGIS, a workspace is a container for geographic data. A workspace can be a folder that contains shapefiles, a geodatabase, a feature dataset, or an ArcInfo workspace.

To reference a workspace, one needs to specify the path to the directory where the workspace is located.

Methods to quickly grab a path

In File Explorer: right click a folder then Copy as path, or Ctrl + Shift + C.

In ArcGIS Pro: Map Tab -> Clipboard -> Copy Path, or Ctrl + Alt + P, this only works when a workspace or dataset is selected in the “Catalog Pane.”


1.2 Working with paths#

The above methods copy the path with a backslash, i.e., \ as the delimiter between a parent folder and a sub-folder, which is in conflict with the escape character of Python.

There are three options to address this:

  1. Change the delimiter to be double backslashes, i.e., \\

  2. Change the delimiter to be a single forwardslash, i.e., /

  3. Change the string to a raw string with a r in front of the path.

The following three strings are referring to the same path.

print("C:\\Users\\chjch\\Documents\\class_data.gdb") # double backslashes
print("C/Users/chjch/Documents/class_data.gdb") # single forward slash
print(r"C\Users\chjch\Documents\class_data.gdb") # raw string
# the following code will raise an SyntaxError

  File "C:\Users\chjch\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_12400\", line 3
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-2: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape


Path names with spaces in them must be called with an ‘r’ and double quotes.


Some other escape sequence in Python

  • \\ –> backslash ()

  • \" –> double quote

  • \' –> single quote

  • \n –> line feed (start a new line)

  • \t –> a Tab (eight spaces by default in Python)

more escape sequence

print('        world')  # eight white spaces

1.3 Set workspace of the env object#

gdb_worksp = r"..\data\class_data.gdb"
arcpy.env.workspace = gdb_worksp
`workspace` is an **attribute** of the `env` class in the `arcpy` package
getattr(arcpy.env, "workspace")

Use the dir method to access all objects and methods with the env class.

# view all attributes of the env class of ArcPy
['MDomain', 'MResolution', 'MTolerance', 'S100FeatureCatalogueFile', 'XYDomain', 'XYResolution', 'XYTolerance', 'ZDomain', 'ZResolution', 'ZTolerance', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_environments', '_gp', '_refresh', 'addOutputsToMap', 'annotationTextStringFieldLength', 'autoCancelling', 'autoCommit', 'baDataSource', 'baNetworkSource', 'baUseDetailedAggregation', 'buildStatsAndRATForTempRaster', 'cartographicCoordinateSystem', 'cartographicPartitions', 'cellAlignment', 'cellSize', 'cellSizeProjectionMethod', 'coincidentPoints', 'compression', 'configKeyword', 'daylightSaving', 'extent', 'geographicTransformations', 'gpuId', 'isCancelled', 'items', 'iteritems', 'keys', 'maintainAttachments', 'maintainCurveSegments', 'maintainSpatialIndex', 'mask', 'matchMultidimensionalVariable', 'nodata', 'outputCoordinateSystem', 'outputMFlag', 'outputZFlag', 'outputZValue', 'overwriteOutput', 'packageWorkspace', 'parallelProcessingFactor', 'preserveGlobalIds', 'processingServer', 'processingServerPassword', 'processingServerUser', 'processorType', 'pyramid', 'qualifiedFieldNames', 'randomGenerator', 'rasterStatistics', 'recycleProcessingWorkers', 'referenceScale', 'resamplingMethod', 'retryOnFailures', 'scratchFolder', 'scratchGDB', 'scratchWorkspace', 'scriptWorkspace', 'snapRaster', 'terrainMemoryUsage', 'tileSize', 'timeZone', 'tinSaveVersion', 'transferDomains', 'transferGDBAttributeProperties', 'unionDimension', 'useCompatibleFieldTypes', 'values', 'workspace']

2. Basic Things to Know about ArcPy#

2.1 Naming Conventions of ArcPy functions#

In ArcPy, a function is referenced by the geoprocessing (GP) tool name and the alias of the toolbox that the tool is contained. The first letter of every word in the tool name is capitalized. The alias of the toolbox are all in lowercase.

  1. arcpy.<ToolName>_<toolboxalias> (old way)

    • Buffer: arcpy.AddField_management

    • Add Field: arcpy.AddField_management

  2. arcpy.<toolboxalias>.<ToolName> (modern way)

    • Buffer: arcpy.analysis.Buffer

    • Add Field:

Following are the aliases for some commonly used toolbox.

System Toolbox






Data Management




Geostatistical Analyst


Network Analyst


Spatial Analyst


Spatial Statistics


2.2 View Help Documentation#

There are 4 methods to view the Help Documentation of a function.

  1. Shift + Tab: open a popup menu in place.

  2. use the function’s .__doc__ attribute

  3. help(<function>)

  4. ? <function>



To bring documentation as you type, press Shift + Tab right after the function name. It only works after the module or package containing the function is imported.

Buffer_analysis(in_features, out_feature_class, buffer_distance_or_field, {line_side}, {line_end_type}, {dissolve_option}, {dissolve_field;dissolve_field...}, {method})

        Creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance.

      in_features (Feature Layer):
          The input point, line, or polygon features that will be buffered.
      buffer_distance_or_field (Linear Unit / Field):
          The distance around the input features that will be buffered.
          Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear
          distance or a field from the input features that contains the distance
          to buffer each feature.If linear units are not specified or are
          entered as Unknown, the
          linear unit of the input features' spatial reference will be used.When
          specifying a distance, if the linear unit has two words, such as
          Decimal Degrees, combine the two words into one (for example, 20
      line_side {String}:
          Specifies the sides of the input features that will be buffered. This
          parameter is only supported for polygon and line features.FULL-For
          lines, buffers will be generated on both sides of the line.
          For polygons, buffers will be generated around the polygon and will
          contain and overlap the area of the input features. This is the
          default.LEFT-For lines, buffers will be generated on the topological
          left of
          the line. This option is not supported for polygon input
          features.RIGHT-For lines, buffers will be generated on the topological
          right of
          the line. This option is not supported for polygon input
          features.OUTSIDE_ONLY-For polygons, buffers will be generated outside
          the input
          polygon only (the area inside the input polygon will be erased from
          the output buffer). This option is not supported for line input
          features.This optional parameter is not available with a Desktop Basic
          Desktop Standard license.
      line_end_type {String}:
          Specifies the shape of the buffer at the end of line input features.
          This parameter is not valid for polygon input features.ROUND-The ends
          of the buffer will be round, in the shape of a half
          circle. This is the default.FLAT-The ends of the buffer will be flat
          or squared and will end at
          the endpoint of the input line feature.This optional parameter is not
          available with a Desktop Basic or
          Desktop Standard license.
      dissolve_option {String}:
          Specifies the type of dissolve that will be performed to remove buffer
          overlap.NONE-An individual buffer for each feature will be maintained,
          regardless of overlap. This is the default.ALL-All buffers will be
          dissolved together into a single feature,
          removing any overlap.LIST-Any buffers sharing attribute values in the
          listed fields
          (carried over from the input features) will be dissolved.
      dissolve_field {Field}:
          The list of fields from the input features on which the output buffers
          will be dissolved. Any buffers sharing attribute values in the listed
          fields (carried over from the input features) will be dissolved.
      method {String}:
          Specifies whether the planar or geodesic method will be used to create
          the buffers. PLANAR-If the input features are in a projected
          system, Euclidean buffers will be created. If the input features are
          in a geographic coordinate system and the buffer distance is in linear
          units (meters, feet, and so forth, as opposed to angular units such as
          degrees), geodesic buffers will be created. This is the default.
          You can use the Output Coordinate System environment setting to
          specify the coordinate system to use. For example, if the input
          features are in a projected coordinate system, you can set the
          environment to a geographic coordinate system to create geodesic
          buffers.GEODESIC-All buffers will be created using a shape-preserving
          buffer method, regardless of the input coordinate system.

      out_feature_class (Feature Class):
          The feature class containing the output buffers.
Help on function Buffer in module arcpy.analysis:

Buffer(in_features=None, out_feature_class=None, buffer_distance_or_field=None, line_side=None, line_end_type=None, dissolve_option=None, dissolve_field=None, method=None)
    Buffer_analysis(in_features, out_feature_class, buffer_distance_or_field, {line_side}, {line_end_type}, {dissolve_option}, {dissolve_field;dissolve_field...}, {method})
       Creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance.
     in_features (Feature Layer):
         The input point, line, or polygon features that will be buffered.
     buffer_distance_or_field (Linear Unit / Field):
         The distance around the input features that will be buffered.
         Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear
         distance or a field from the input features that contains the distance
         to buffer each feature.If linear units are not specified or are
         entered as Unknown, the
         linear unit of the input features' spatial reference will be used.When
         specifying a distance, if the linear unit has two words, such as
         Decimal Degrees, combine the two words into one (for example, 20
     line_side {String}:
         Specifies the sides of the input features that will be buffered. This
         parameter is only supported for polygon and line features.FULL-For
         lines, buffers will be generated on both sides of the line.
         For polygons, buffers will be generated around the polygon and will
         contain and overlap the area of the input features. This is the
         default.LEFT-For lines, buffers will be generated on the topological
         left of
         the line. This option is not supported for polygon input
         features.RIGHT-For lines, buffers will be generated on the topological
         right of
         the line. This option is not supported for polygon input
         features.OUTSIDE_ONLY-For polygons, buffers will be generated outside
         the input
         polygon only (the area inside the input polygon will be erased from
         the output buffer). This option is not supported for line input
         features.This optional parameter is not available with a Desktop Basic
         Desktop Standard license.
     line_end_type {String}:
         Specifies the shape of the buffer at the end of line input features.
         This parameter is not valid for polygon input features.ROUND-The ends
         of the buffer will be round, in the shape of a half
         circle. This is the default.FLAT-The ends of the buffer will be flat
         or squared and will end at
         the endpoint of the input line feature.This optional parameter is not
         available with a Desktop Basic or
         Desktop Standard license.
     dissolve_option {String}:
         Specifies the type of dissolve that will be performed to remove buffer
         overlap.NONE-An individual buffer for each feature will be maintained,
         regardless of overlap. This is the default.ALL-All buffers will be
         dissolved together into a single feature,
         removing any overlap.LIST-Any buffers sharing attribute values in the
         listed fields
         (carried over from the input features) will be dissolved.
     dissolve_field {Field}:
         The list of fields from the input features on which the output buffers
         will be dissolved. Any buffers sharing attribute values in the listed
         fields (carried over from the input features) will be dissolved.
     method {String}:
         Specifies whether the planar or geodesic method will be used to create
         the buffers. PLANAR-If the input features are in a projected
         system, Euclidean buffers will be created. If the input features are
         in a geographic coordinate system and the buffer distance is in linear
         units (meters, feet, and so forth, as opposed to angular units such as
         degrees), geodesic buffers will be created. This is the default.
         You can use the Output Coordinate System environment setting to
         specify the coordinate system to use. For example, if the input
         features are in a projected coordinate system, you can set the
         environment to a geographic coordinate system to create geodesic
         buffers.GEODESIC-All buffers will be created using a shape-preserving
         buffer method, regardless of the input coordinate system.
     out_feature_class (Feature Class):
         The feature class containing the output buffers.
? arcpy.analysis.Buffer